Tuesday, October 16, 2007

web 2.0 or not web 2.0? ::: >>>

this is the questioN to ask right now i would think ::: >>>

in the late nineties up until the year 2000 there were prosperous times indeed for alL companies driving like the madman up the information superhighway ::: before the big bandwidth — & before the sudden need for many a venture capitalist or catalyst organization to require the business plan — many netizens were brainstorMing into the nite & putting up this site or that site ::: this was the days before the bubble burst, no? ::: the outrages fortunes of the web 1.0 ::: >>>

entering upoN the year 2000 — things began to falL apart ::: suddenly the concept of profitability came back into play & several of the companies that might not have been playing at the party with the fulL decks dropped to the wayside, no? ::: goNe goNe goNe ::: into the ethernet [ or ether that is ] ::: >>>

& now, my friends — netizens of the world wide web — masters of the new reality series — now we have what has beeN labelled 'web 2.0' ::: soMethiNg bigger & better perhaps? ::: soMethiNg that wilL turN a profit & make us alL a little richer? ::: hmmMMMmMM? hmmmMMmmMMMmmmmMMmmm? ::: >>>

moRe to be discussed is to follow or preceed — depending on which order you coMe acroSs theSe bloggiNgs iN ::: >>>

::: visit the officiaL SiNuS BRaDy website :::

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